
Could seasonal work boost your CV (and your bank balance) this winter?

24th September, 2024 Read time: Two minutes

It’s not yet October, so you might be raising an eyebrow that we’re talking about winter already – but preparation pays when it comes to considering seasonal work. 

Let’s start at the beginning – what is seasonal work? 

Seasonal work is finding a job that only exists for a short time. Location and time of year play a large part in where seasonal jobs are available. For instance, lots of businesses in seaside towns hire seasonal workers for the summer, to help with the increased visitors in that come to the area. 

The same is true for the build-up to Christmas – shops and restaurants see higher than usual footfall as people start to get their Christmas shopping done and start organising big meals out to celebrate the season. Businesses need those extra pairs of hands to cope with the extra customers, and so demand for seasonal workers is high. 

It’s a great opportunity to find some work –
but is it right for you? 

Seasonal work is suited to all different types of people, from first time workers to career changers. But some groups in particular find seasonal work to be the best for them: 

People who are looking for work experience

Whether you’re looking for your first job, want to gain some work experience, or simply just fancy having a bit more cash over Christmas, seasonal work is perfect for young people. You can gain new skills, get some experience to add to your CV, and some seasonal jobs continue into part-time or weekend work. 

People who need some extra flexibility

If you know that having a part-time job would benefit you but you have other commitments, like raising children or caring for a family member, seasonal jobs are a great way to work flexibly. Many businesses offer up short shifts that can slot nicely into your busy calendar. 

People who are returning to work

Being out of work for a while can really knock your confidence, so the short-term roles offered by seasonal jobs can be the ideal opportunity to ease yourself back in to working life.  

People looking to change careers

If you’ve been thinking about trying something new, a seasonal job can be the perfect chance to dip your toes into a new industry and see if it’s the right fit for you. You’ll be able to learn new skills, fill a gap in your CV, and not be out of pocket as you transition to a new career! 

Whether a seasonal job is a stepping stone into a new career or just a way to earn some extra money over Christmas, it could end up being a great opportunity.  

If you're interested in learning more about finding seasonal jobs, we're running free online sessions! Our expert advisers will be sharing tips for finding seasonal roles in your region. 

Sign up for sessions in the East Midlands and East of England today!