
Helping young people feel confident when stepping into a world of opportunities

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary and stressful, but with the right support, anything can feel possible.  

A 20-year-old who felt anxious when meeting new people or going to new places felt cut off from the world, until Sally, a Career Adviser on the Specialist Support Team helped uncover a level of confidence to be proud of. 

Before meeting with Sally, they described their life as quiet, they were not in education or employment. Starting new opportunities and experiences was difficult and overwhelming. 

Sally set up an opportunity to participate in a Princes Trust program and with the help of Shannon, another advisor he was able to complete work experience with CT4N. 

Futures also provided insight into the working world through working groups, our young person learnt how wages are structure and how employer’s work. Now, they have a more positive mind set when applying to new jobs or training courses that involve promising opportunities.  

A newfound confidence has led this young person to a greater sense of independence. The advice and skills Sally and Futures has given him. 

If you’re a young person looking for support, click here to find out more. 

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