
From Unemployment to Apprenticeship with Find My Direction

Despite having studied for a degree in Forensic Science and building experience volunteering for the British Heart Foundation and Nottingham Fire Service Preservation Society, G found herself in a position where she had been unemployed for two years.

She struggled with anxiety, and this became a real barrier when it came to interviewing for roles. Her nerves would get the better of her and it led to unsuccessful outcomes. 

With the support of her Employment Advisers, G was supported to join the Find My Direction course. 

On the course, G gained the confidence to further her skills. She was able to take part in team building and interview preparation exercises to help her feel ready when the time came. 

Not wanting to leave it there, G went on to complete a Level 1 Business Admin course to gain new skills in an area she'd never had experience in before. She loved it, and decided to apply for a Business Admin Management apprenticeship within the Property Management sector. 

The support she'd had to improve her interview skills combined with the knowledge she'd gained on the Business Admin course meant that G was offered the role - and happily accepted! 


If Business Admin sounds like the path for you, click below to get started.

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